for all cats, of all ages, every day to prevent diet-related biotin deficiency.
Complementary feed for cats
Especially in the first years of life, the young cat needs optimal care so that it can develop magnificently. Older cats also benefit from the vital substances in Canina CAT-FELL O.K. products and your well-being is promoted. Biotin is required as a coenzyme in keratin synthesis to build hair.
Cats get biotin mainly from their food. The amount of biotin formed by the intestinal flora is usually not sufficient for the requirement, therefore additionally CAT-FELL O.K..
Tasty yeast is used as a carrier, so it is well accepted even by spoiled cats.
Biotin for:
shiny, strong fur
healthy, flaky skin
optimal pigmentation of coat, nose leather and paw pads
firm, strong claws
– 125g (about 250 tablets)
Composition / ingredients / additives:
Composition: yeast, starch
Ingredients: crude protein 45.8%, crude ash 9.4%, crude fat 5.2%, crude fiber <0.3%
Nutritional additives per kg: 100,000mcg biotin
Feeding recommendation per animal and day:
Depending on the size of the cat, 4-6 tablets over a period of 8 weeks.
If problems are already occurring, double the dosage in the first 4 weeks.
The indicated feeding recommendation must not be exceeded.