

Home/Cats food supplement/PETVITAL® |BACH FLOWER |MIX No. 2


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Fear can be triggered when something comes too suddenly and the animal feels threatened. Even unfamiliar, unfamiliar situations can trigger fear in poorly socialized animals.

Fear can be triggered when something comes too suddenly and the animal feels threatened. Even unfamiliar, unfamiliar situations can trigger fear in poorly socialized animals.

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Sku: 700028
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Bach flower mix of aspen (aspen), Cerato (leadwort), rock rose (yellow rock rose) and Mimulus (spotted jester flower). Suitable for all pets. The product does not contain alcohol.

Fear can be triggered when something comes too suddenly and the animal feels threatened. Even unfamiliar, unfamiliar situations can trigger fear in poorly socialized animals. Even if the animal’s owner is constantly pessimistic, finds everything unfair in this world and always expects the bad first, he creates an incredibly strong energy field that makes him and his animal sick. Animals have very fine antennae for such negative energies (vibrations) that can trigger many seemingly inexplicable fears and panic attacks in them. Of course, there is also the inherently fearful pet that is afraid of all sorts of things and is skittish.
Examples of signs of fear are: the animal tries to hide; it whines or howls, it trembles or it bites (fear biters). Experience has shown that fear in animals does not disappear overnight. Put 5 globules in the animal’s drinking water 1-2 times a day and stop when you have the impression that the animal’s condition is improving.

10 g = approx. 1,200 globules (granules)

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Weight 0.5 kg
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